What We Do

In the context of the interest and orientation of the Egyptian state towards industry.

the launch of a national program to deepen local industrialization, and because metallurgical industries were at the top of the list prepared by the Egyptian Ministry of Trade and Industry for commodities targeted to replace their imports with local products, the Arab Ferroalloy Company was established as the first company established by the private sector In Egypt for the production of ferroalloys, especially ferrosilicon, ferromanganese, and silicon manganese. • Especially since the founders of the Arab Ferroalloy Company – headed by the Misr Company for Measurement and Control – are partners in the iron and steel industry, and they have a leading role in the field of manufacturing and supplying molten metal inputs and iron smelting furnaces requirements for more than thirty years, and Desiring to enhance their national role in supporting the national economy and the mineral industries, they established an industrial complex for metal oxidizers.
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